“No to Reply Bill!” This is the collective stand of various media organizations, newspapers, radio and television stations in Central Luzon. Starting this week, all media outfits and groups will come up with their own streamers, tarpaulins, and information materials to express a common cause to defend press freedom.
In a meeting at the Cioccolo Restaurant in Angeles City last Friday, the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) Pampanga Chapter, Pampanga Press Club, Angeles City Press and Radio Club, Central Luzon Media Association, Channel 36, ABS CBN Pampanga, Punto, Businessweek, The Voice, Society of Pampanga Columnists, DWRW and DWGV FM and AM, and UNTV signed a collective manifesto adopted from NUJP stating their opposition on House Bill 3306 and Senate Bill 2150, two versions of the Right to Reply Bill.
The first paragraph of the manifesto states: “The Right of Reply Bill is an ill-conceived piece of legislation that violates two of the most cherished freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, those of the press and of expression.”
The issue on the bill’s intent to impose prior restraint to the media is very revolting because it abridges the freedom of expression and of the press.
And just like other media organizations around the country, the Pampanga media and nearby provinces will not let this pass. Even if this will not be approved because of its weak stance in the House of Representatives, every journalist and every Filipino who enjoys his civilian rights for that matter has the responsibility to speak against this Bill and its intent and purpose to kill the most sacred right we have in this country. A country known to embrace democracy but is run by some officials who are afraid of the power of the true voice of people.
I would rather see a country that has a media that at times abuses its power rather than to have one that has a media that is censored and controlled by the privileged few.
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