Most of us spend time searching for our “purpose” in life. Others scale the mountains or dive the seas to find answers. Some would go to pilgrims or simply spend time in convents or holy temples to be enlightened.
We often contemplate and do soul-searching when we get burned and preoccupied with materials things. We want peace. Physically and mentally, it is like a basic instinct for men to nurture his being.
But come to think of it. No matter what purpose we may be seeking, we always find ourselves working hard to live and survive in this place we call Earth.
Take away wealth, power, social stature, aspiration, dreams, goals and all others things we find “important” for ourselves and our families, we will be delighted to acknowledge that there are only three things that we really need to live and survive. These are food, water and shelter.
Food and water to keep us alive, literally and shelter to protect us from heat, cold or harm from wild animals (men included).
We can live without clothing if we want to. It is only our social norms that dictate abstract concepts such as “shame or decency.”
So in order for us to survive, we must protect and sustain our sources of food, water and shelter. Taken in totality, Mother Earth is the source of all of these. Taken individually, plants and animals, minerals are our sources of food; forests, trees, bodies of water, clouds and atmosphere the source of water; and bodies of land, forests, minerals the source of our shelter.
And if really care about ourselves and our children, we will help protect Mother Earth from all harm. In our own little ways, we can contribute to this cause if only to survive and ensure our existence for millions of years more with enough food, water and shelter.
The blog is a good reminder of what our purpose in life should be. Even those already conscious of environmental issues, knows about global warming and other social development issues have to be constantly reminded. There are bad habits that is really hard to break. This include smoking, unsustainable consumption habits, etc (marami ito). the bottom line is change really should start with one self...
Hello Mini,
I completely agree with you only three things are mainly required to survive ie food, water and shelter...Reading this post I feel glad to know that there exist people like you who are so much concerned about mother earth.If every one starts thinking like this I guess all our environmental problems will be resolved.It was a great pleasure knowing you...
survival kits
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