The more he talks, the more people listen. His eloquence is his most powerful asset. And his age is an advantage, especially for a country that has a majority young population. In his recent visit at the Angeles University Foundation Medical Center (AUFMC) in Angeles City last Thursday (May 21), Escudero found himself entangled with a huge and enthusiastic crowd. Almost everyone lines up to have a picture with him. Most of the AUFMC medical staff, including doctors stepped out of their labs and offices to shake his hand and be photographed with him.
Escudero was the guest of honor in the opening of the Essensa Spa at AUFMC, owned by by the equally energetic and smart Flor I. Arrozal.
In a brief encounter with the media, Escudero said that he will formally announce his official candidacy for president when he is “fully qualified.” Escudero said the country needs a new, young and dynamic leader.
“I want to see a young leader in 2010. Someone who embodies the generation to which the majority of Filipinos belong right now. The next leader should also follow the law and execute the laws. We haven’t been inspired for the longest time, our next leader must be able to do that,” Escudero said.
Escudero’s detractors have belittled his capability to become the country’s next leader because of his age and alleged inexperience. Of course, the camps of Vice Pres. Noli de Castro, Sen. Manny Villar and Sen. Mar Roxas are now weighing Escudero’s chances in the presidential polls.
But Escudero believes that being young is not a handicap. “No one can boast anything based from experience because those with long experience in government have made big fools of us. Experience has not served this country well,” he said. Escudero, by the way, is not inexperienced after all. He was a three-term congressman before he was elected senator.
Aside from his alarming charisma that could eventually hurt his possible opponents, Escudero is one fine genetleman who stands on real issues that affect the common people, particularly those in the labor and agricultural sector.
Just recently, Escudero asked government to provide more support to the dairy industry to cut down on imports and lessen foreign exchange spending. The Philippine government currently imports 85 percent of its annual dairy needs.
I have yet to see Chiz do something that will set him apart from the usual trapo. The concept of traditional is also a fluid concept, it also changes in form but the substance remains the same. Patronage politics, rent-seeking behaviour, and ward politics. I have yet to see expression of social responsibility and accountability. To whom is he accountable. Some of the things that he can do without much effort is, making his political contributors (financiers) more transparent. Financing political campaign is not small time game. Most politician under report their campaign financing and most do not divulge their sources. Just take a look at the campaign poster and see for yourself, usually says paid for by friends of politico. Some may be fictitious or dummy. I for one have been a donor to so many posters. I can't even affort to pay for one tarpaulin with my family picture in it which i could hang in my small living room. Rhetorics are fine, it is being able to walk the talk that matters. I wish you luck and hopefully change will be meaningful and not the same of everything dressed or packaged in a different wrap. As computer buff says, changing the skin. You can download a skin, create your own, but the set-up is still the smae rotten core.
Hi, I like your blog and this post. Inspiring. I also admire Chiz Escudero for being a man with strong convictions and idealisms.
Anyway, about your blog, it seem to be have been abandoned. i understand that this post was posted last year. You should have kept it updated. I'm new here at mybloglog and I believe that you and I somehow share the same advocacy. I'm looking forward for your new post.
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